Data-intensive trading to use and improve CERN software
Trading, like many other data-intensive fields, can take advantage of high-performance computing to carry out quantitative research and optimise financial strategies. But how do you ensure that large petabyte-scale data sets are distributed across different computers in an efficient and consistent way? Since 2022, Jump Trading, an international proprietary trading company specialising in algorithmic trading, has been collaborating with CERN to deploy a software developed at CERN in its data centres.

Map of CVMFS cache instances. The tiered cache model helps to deploy software on /cvmfs to computing sites all over the world.
This software, called CernVM File System (CVMFS), provides an appropriate file and software sharing tool to enable in-depth analysis of Big Data. In 2023, CERN worked with Jump Trading to address specific common challenges they face, while running the software under a very high load. CERN then uses this knowledge to improve the performance of the software for the needs of high-energy physics experiments and specifically the high data volumes expected during High-Luminosity LHC runs.
data centres are using CVMFS to share data