CERN AI algorithms to improve stroke patient care
Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms that predict and diagnose anomalies are used to keep the CERN infrastructure 24/7 but also have the potential to enable the detection of pathologies in the human body such as strokes. The CAFEIN platform was developed in collaboration with Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche and Politecnico di Milano in Italy, as an AI tool with both of these in mind. Strokes are one of the leading causes of severe disability worldwide (1.12 million strokes in the EU each year) and are responsible for a significant social and economic burden, which is only set to increase, with the ageing population.

Under the coordination of Vall d'Hebron, a leading healthcare campus in Barcelona, CERN and eleven other European partners initiated the TRUSTroke project, based on the CAFEIN platform. A stroke patient’s risks can be assessed, and an improved and personalised treatment can be provided thus helping to prevent relapse and premature discharge from hospital.
(incl. 1 MEUR for CERN)
Project started 1 May 2023 and will last for 4 years

CERN plays a crucial role in the TRUSTroke project by allowing us to access its innovative technologies and implementing the Federated Learning approach, which is essential for advancing AI in healthcare.– Dr Pietro Caliandro, Stroke Neurologist, Leader of the Clinical Work Package in the TRUStroke project and Referent of Neurosonology, Policlinico Gemelli
Seed funding: from CERN technology to an EU-funded project
Using CERN AI algorithms to detect brain pathologies such as stroke
*The TRUSTroke project is funded by the European Union in the call HORIZON-HLTH-2022-STAYHLTH-01-two-stage under grant agreement No. 101080564